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Overview of Cat Care Training Course

Course Structure

Key points about the course structure:

  • The course is divided into categories
  • Each category contains several videos
  • Videos can be paused and re-watched at any time
  • Regular updates are made to the course content

Contact Information

If you have any questions:

  • Contact us by phone, email, or online chat

Course Content Overview

Section 1: Vet Visits and Home Safety

This section covers:

  • Tips for vet visits
  • Creating a cat-friendly home environment
  • Preventing accidents

Section 2: Basic Cat Care

This section includes information on:

  • Paw and claw care
  • Vaccinations and treatments
  • Feeding guidelines
  • Neutering
  • Toilet training

Section 3: Advanced Cat Care

This section covers:

  • Parasite control
  • Fireworks safety
  • Common health issues

Section 4: Medical Treatments

Topics in this section include:

  • Acupuncture and physiotherapy
  • Surgical procedures
  • Diagnostic tests like x-rays
  • Identifying and treating common diseases

Section 5: Diet and Nutrition

Finally, this section explores:

  • Proper diet guidelines
  • Foods to avoid
  • Managing specific health conditions through nutrition

By following the course in sequence, you'll gain comprehensive knowledge on caring for your cat.